Viral infections can be one of the biggest nightmares for medical doctors. And the use of antiviral herbs holds some distinct advantages over the use of drugs.

Over the years, western medicine has produced countless numbers of antiviral drugs, with each drug made to work only for certain types of viruses. But there are big problems with the use of such drugs.

Chemical drugs almost always have side effects. And, as time goes by, the viruses also adapt and become immune to them. Higher doses and stronger drugs would then have to be used. And they take a toil on the human body.

Drug resistant strains of a deadly virus can be a medical doctor’s greatest nemesis. The truth is, however, that nature has already provided us with full spectrum antiviral remedies in the form of herbs.

Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, antiviral herbs are full spectrum, and viruses do not develop resistance to them. Regardless of what kind of viral infection you may have, you can be sure that nature’s pharmacopoeia will be effective against it.

In addition, natural herbs work with the body, rather than against it. Pharmaceutical drugs are unnatural, and work against, or independently of the body’s natural functions, balances, and built-in intelligence. This is one reason why virtually every pharmaceutical drug has numerous side effects.

Below, some of the better antiviral herbs are discussed.


Garlic is the number one all-round anti-pathogen herb. It is a powerful antiviral, as well as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitical herb. Raw garlic is a more effective antiviral herbal remedy than any pharmaceutical drug.

In addition, because it is a natural substance, it works with the body rather than against it. Because of this, garlic will quickly penetrate any part of the body. When you take garlic, the body’s built-in intelligence will use it where it is needed.

It is important to use raw, potent, high quality garlic. Organically grown garlic is always ideal. Quality garlic is hard, and the cloves should be white. A quality garlic bulb will have around 12, large cloves. Each clove in a quality garlic bulb is around an inch long and as thick as an adult’s thumb. Garlic that is yellowish, or has 30-50 small cloves is usually of inferior quality.

For viral infections, start with 3-5 raw cloves of garlic per day. For serious, or even life-threatening infections, there is no upper limit to how much you can use. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, herbs like garlic do not have dangerous side effects, other than killer breath, perhaps. For serious infections, you might end up using 8, 10, 12, or 16 cloves per day.

You may use raw honey to help alleviate some of the intensity of garlic’s taste.


Goldenseal is one of the most well-known antiviral and anti-bacterial herbs. It is one of the rarer herbs, and is thus far more expensive than most other herbs.

Its main advantage over garlic is that it is milder. This makes it a better choice for sensitive parts of the body, for example the eyes. For pure virus destroying power, garlic is still the superior choice.

St. John’s Wort

As one of the most well-known and popular herbs, St. John’s Wort is sometimes touted as a cure-all for just about everything. This makes it difficult to know exactly what its strengths really are.

St. John’s Wort was, and is, used by many top natural healers as a powerful antiviral herb. For the most powerful effect, St. John’s Wort should be used along with herbs like garlic and echinacea.


While not a direct antiviral herb per se, echinacea is well known for its immune stimulating effects. Like most well-known herbs, the quality of most commercially available echinacea products is abysmal.

Good quality echinacea produces a very strong tingling effect in the mouth. The tingling effect triggered by potent echinacea is so strong it can numb the mouth. If an echinacea product does not produce a strong tingling effect, then it means that it has little to no echinacea in it.

A product that produces only a mild tingling effect probably does have some echinacea in it, but it is still worthless for the most part. A really good echinacea tincture should be numbing to the mouth. You could try making your own tincture from fresh echinacea root and seeds, or buy some from a high quality source.

Echinacea is a powerful immune system strengthener. It can quickly stimulate the body to produce double, triple, or even quadruple the amount of immune cells and chemicals. The repeated effect can quickly kick-start a sluggishimmune system to an effective degree of antiviral capability.

However, it can’t do this well using junk fuel like pizza, potato chips and beer. If your body doesn’t have the required nutrition, you can take all of the best echinacea in the world, and yet not have any benefit.

Herbal combinations are the most effective

When you need to beat a serious viral infection, always combine antiviral herbs like garlic with immune-boosting echinacea, as well as with high quality nutrition in the form of superfoods. As the herbs work synergistically together, the impact of such combined antiviral herbal remedies is usually greatly magnified.