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carrots-4The carrot is an excellent vegetable as it has both nutritional and medicinal values which are essential for our optimum health.

The best thing of carrot is that it is easily assimilated by our body. Chinese practitioners said that carrot tastes sweet, and it is good for the health of spleen and stomach. It is also believed to improve impotence (lower sexual drive), sexual dysfunction, night blindness, long term cough (or call hundred days cough in Chinese medical prescription) besides strengthening kidney and eliminating excessive wind and cold in our body.

Carrot has proved its outstanding role in anti-cancer effect. The research revealed that people with lack of beta-carotene were more likely to have 2 times higher risk of cancer than normal people. It is wiser to eat an appropriate amount of carrot per day to prevent cancer. This is because beta-carotene in the carrot can be easily changed by our body into vitamin A, which is essential for healthy cell growth, strong immune system and protection against mascular degeneration (AMD).

The research also found that carrot contains bulk of folic acid, a group of vitamin B, which has good effect to fight against free radicals (substances that cause cancer) in our body. The lignin found in carrot too, helps to strengthen our immune system to fight against cancerous cells. Potash succinate, its anti hypertensive drug properties may also help to reduce the blood pressure. Therefore, it is also regarded as a good diet for hypertension’s patient.

As carrot is fat-soluble substance, its nutrition is absorbed better with the presence of oil. Therefore, it is better to dip one drop of olive oil into a glass of carrot juice so that our body can effectively absorbed its nutrition.

Carrots like other foods do contain sugar which may give rise to the blood sugar. However, if carrots are consumed in an appropriate amount they won’t give rise to an extreme blood sugar rise among people with blood sugar problems (both diabetic and hypoglycaemic). 8-ounce glasses of carrot juice per day have been seen as a successful cure among the patients who are terminally ill cancer. Your body appears to handling well with the natural occurring sugars found in carrot juice. There are still no scientific evidences supporting that appropriate consumption of carrot juice can cause negative impact to your body.  Nevertheless, I’d advise diabetic and hypoglycaemic to limit the intake of carrots because excessive intake of carrots may be detrimental to your health or may worsen your existing health condition.

Now, you may ask me, “ How much carrot juice should I take, chan?” It’s hardly to give you an accurate answer here since the intake of carrot juice  varies among the individuals. It’s always wiser to consult your doctor for any dieting alteration, particularly among the patients, those who’re engaging with diseases or those with serious health or physical problems. Basically, for a healthy person, it’s recommended to take two to three 8-ounce glasses of carrot juice daily.

Carrot Food Therapy for Certain Diseases is Listed as Follows:

For Hypertension’s Patient

Drink 100milliliter of fresh organic carrot juices everyday and it should be two servings per day. The therapy should proceed constantly for 30 days.

For Those Who Have Constipation

Blend fresh organic carrot juices with a juicer. Then, pour the juice into a glass. Dip a drop of olive oil into the glass. Mix it with an appropriate amount of royal jelly honey. Stir the mixture for a thorough mix. Each serving should be 80 milliliter, with every morning and night each.

For Those Who Have Night Blindness or Dry Dull Eyes

Get ready with 250gram of fresh organic carrots. Put two tablespoons of olive oil in the wok. Add in carrots. Fry with slow fire till it is thoroughly cooked. It should be one serving for a day. The therapy should proceed constantly for 7 days.

For Those Who Have Long-Term Cough (Hundred Days Cough)

Get ready with 200 gram fresh organic carrots and 13 pieces of jujube (Chinese red dates). Cook with slow fire. Make sure the amount of water is not too much or too little. There should be approximately 8 bowls of water (measured with a small Chinese bowl) for approximately 30 minutes. It should be one serving per day.

For Those Who Suffer From Scalp Itching and Dandruff

Get ready with 200 gram fresh organic carrots. Use slow fire to stew the carrots. Add in appropriate amount of sea salt according to your taste. It should be one serving for a day.

For the Following Diseases, Please Do According to the Suggested Prescriptions as Listed Below:

Note: Each prescription stated below should be taken for at least 6 consecutive months. Organic grown fruits and vegetables are recommended here so that you can help prevent additional toxins from being dumped into your body. “in between the meal time” here means 2 or 3 hours before the meal time, and you should avoid to take this juice before breakfast and 3 hours before your bedtime. If you’re in medication, make sure that you’re not taken this juice together with your medicine. In this case, you can take this juice 2 or 3 hours after the medication. Bear in mind that this juice should be taken immediately to avoid any chemical changes that might have occurred.

Scurvy: Put carrot (8 ozs.) and grapefruit (8 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Adenoids: Put carrot (10 ozs.) and spinach (6 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Rheumatism: Put carrot (8 ozs.) and celery (8 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Acne: Put carrot (10 ozs.) and spinach (6 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Tumors: Put carrot (8 ozs.) and beet (8 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Bright’s Disease: Put carrot (8 ozs.), parsley (2 ozs.) and celery (6 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Dermatitis: Put carrot (6 ozs.), beet (5 ozs.) and cucumber (5 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Colitis: Put carrot (8 ozs.), and apple (8 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Angina Pectoris: Put carrot (6 ozs.), beet (5 ozs.) and cucumber (5 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Diabetes: Put carrot (6 ozs.), celery (5 ozs.), endive (2 ozs.) and parsley (2 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Albuminuria: Put carrot (10 ozs.), beet (3 ozs.), and cucumber (3 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Coronary Thrombosis: Put carrot (8 ozs.), and garlic (2 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Arthritis: Put carrot (8 ozs.), celery (8 ozs.), and one grapefruit (chopped in small cube) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Constipation: Put carrot (8 ozs.), celery (4 ozs.), and apple (4 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Gallstones: Put carrot (6 ozs.), beet (5 ozs.) and cucumber (5 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Nervous Disorders: Put carrot (8 ozs.), celery (6 ozs.) and parsley (2 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Nephritis: Put carrot (8 ozs.), celery (6 ozs.) and parsley (2 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Diarrhea: Put carrot (6 ozs.), celery (5 ozs.) and apple (5 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Asthma: Put carrot (8 ozs.), celery (8 ozs.) and one grapefruit (chopped in small cube) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Cancer: Put carrot (12 ozs.), and cabbage (4 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Blood Pressure (High): Put carrot (8 ozs.), and pod of garlic into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Allergies: Put carrot (8 ozs.), and celery (8 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Anemia: Put carrot (8 ozs.), beet (2 ozs.) and celery (6 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Hernia: Put carrot (6 ozs.), celery (6 ozs.), spinach (2 ozs.) and parsley (2 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Note: For each stated prescription below, you’re recommended to take it for several consecutive days until the disease goes off. Organic grown fruits and vegetables are recommended here so that you can help prevent additional toxins from being dumped into your body. “in between the meal time” here means 2 or 3 hours before the meal time, and you should avoid to take this juice before breakfast and 3 hours before your bedtime. If you’re in medication, make sure that you’re not taken this juice together with your medication. In this case, you can take this juice 2 or 3 hours after the medication. Bear in mind that this juice should be taken immediately to avoid any chemical changes that might have occurred.

Hay Fever: Put carrot (8 ozs.), and celery (8 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Influenza: Put carrot (8 ozs.), and celery (8 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.


It’s very important to take note that carrots should not be taken together with wine, beer, or any alcoholic drinks. The reason is that the combination of both will cause substantial amount of alcohol and carotene entering your body at the same time, which will later lead to the production of toxins in your liver. When this situation occurs, you’re more likely to have liver disease. Similarly, carrots cannot be taken with black fungus at a time as the combination of both will cause dermatitis (inflammation of the skin). The intake of 500g carrots with any sea foods may also cause arsenic poisoning.

Although carotenoids found in carrots are beneficial to baby, attention should be paid for the volume of the intake. It’s always better to consult a registered doctor or dietician on the issue of how much carrot juice should be given to your child based upon their existing health condition. Excessive consumption of carotene (either from carrots or tomatoes) can cause hyperlipidemia, which can lead to orange-colored skin on the face and hands. Other symptoms which are observed among your child include loss of appetite, mental instability, anxiety, and sleep disorder accompanied by crying, screaming, nightmare and murmuring throughout the night.

We always think that goiter (a swelling in the thyroid gland, which can lead to a swelling of the neck or larynx) is caused by a deficiency of iodine. But do you know that the combination of carrots and oranges can also indulge or cause the development of goiter? Many clinical experimentations have shown that after entering your body, carrots (a type of cruciferous vegetables, which refers to edible plants in the family of Brassicaceae) can quickly produce a substance called Thiocyanate (common compounds that include the colorless salts potassium thiocyanate and sodium thiocyanate), and this thiocyanate will soon undergo a procedure of metabolism to produce an anti-thyroid substance called thiocyanate acid. The question on how much this so-called substance is produced is directly proportional to the volume of the intake of the carrots. When fruits such as oranges, pears, apples, or grapes are taken immediately or are combined with carrots at a time, the flavonoids from these fruits will be decomposed by the intestinal bacteria into hydroxyl benzoic acid (a crystalline derivative of benzoic acid) and ferulic acid (an organic compound that is an abundant phenolic phytochemical found in plant cell walls). Both acids are found to reinforce thiocyanate acid to inhibit the functionality of thyroid gland which might have contributed to a consequence of goiter. Therefore, you’re encouraged not to drink juices of/ eat oranges, apples or grapes straight away after the consumption of carrots.

Final Remark:

Again, it’s very important to take note that  carrot should not be taken together with an orange. This is because Thiocyanate compound in carrot will react chemically with substances in orange which can cause goiter (the enlargement of the thyroid). Similarly, carrot cannot be taken together with polygonum multiflorum (Chinese knotweed or flowery) and ginseng.


Health Benefits of Carrot:

  1. Carrot can enhance the quality of breast milk.
  2. Carrot can improve the appearance of the skin, hair and nails.
  3. When taken daily it can lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
  4. Raw contain beta-carotene, a strong antioxidant that can prevent cancer.
  5. Carrot juice when taken everyday prevent bodily infections and is claimed to be valuable for the adrenal glands (the small endocrine glands situated above the kidneys).
  6. Carrot can help improve eyesight.
  7. Carrot can help increase menstrual flow.
  8. Carrots can regulate blood sugar.
  9. Carrot can promote colon health, because carrot is rich in fiber.

Carrot is also helpful in the following cases : Obesity, Poisoning of the blood, Gum disease, Insomnia, Inflamed Kidneys, Liver, Gallbladder, Alzheimer’s disease, Colitis, Ulcer Painful urination

Vitamin and Mineral Content :

  • Vitamin A – 12,000 I.U,
  • Vitamin B; Thiamine B: .06 mg.
  • Riboflavin: .06 mg.
  • Niacin: .5 mg.
  • Vitamin C: 5 mg.
  • Vitamin D, E, G, & K
  • Calcium: 39 mg.
  • Iron: .8 mg.
  • Phosphorus: 37 mg.
  • Fat: 0.3 gm
  • Carbohydrates: 9.3 gm.
  • Protein: 1.2gm.
  • Calories: 42

See also:

Radish Long WhiteRadish, the well known part of your salad, is a root crop, pungent or sweet in taste with a lot of juice. Radishes can be white, red, purple or black, long cylindrical or round in shape. They are eaten raw, cooked or pickled. The oil obtained from the seeds of radish is also used. The other parts of radish which are consumed are the leaves, the flowers, the pods and the seeds. The scientific name of radish is Raphanus Sativus which belongs to the Brassicaceae family. Radish is also known as Daiken in some parts of the world.

The benefits of radish against certain ailments and on certain body parts are listed below:

  • Jaundice: Radish is very good for the liver and the stomach and it is a very good detoxifier too, that is, it purifies blood. It is miraculously useful in jaundice as it helps removing bilirubin and also checks its production. It also checks destruction of red blood cells during jaundice by increasing supply of fresh oxygen in the blood. The black radish is more preferred in jaundice. The leaves of radish are also very useful in treatment of jaundice.
  • Piles: Radish is very rich in roughage, i.e. indigestible carbohydrates. This facilitates digestion, retains water, cures constipation (one of the main causes for piles) and thus gives relief in piles. Being a very good detoxifier, it helps heal up piles fast. Its juice also soothes the digestive and excretory system and this also relieves piles.
  • Urinary Disorders: Radishes are diurectic in nature, i.e. increase production of urine. Juice of radish also cures inflammation and burning feeling during urinating. It also cleans the kidneys and inhibits infections in kidneys and urinary system. Thus it helps a great deal in curing urinary disorders.
  • Weight Loss: Radishes are very filling, i.e. fills your stomach and satisfies your hunger easily without giving you many calories, as they are low in digestible carbohydrates, high in roughage and contain a lot of water. It is a very good dietary option for those determined to lose weight.
  • Cancer: Being a very good detoxifier and rich in vitamin-C, folic and anthocyanins, radish helps cure many types of cancer, particularly those of colon, kidney, intestines, stomach and oral cancer.
  • Leucoderma: The detoxifying and anti carcinogenic properties of radish make it useful in treatment of Leucoderma. The radish seeds are used in this case. They should be powdered and soaked in vinegar or ginger juice or cows urine and then applied on the white patches. Eating radish also aids treatment of Leucoderma.
  • Skin Disorders: Vitamin-C, phosphorus, zinc and some members of vitamin-B complex, which are present in radish, are good for skin. The water in it helps maintaining moisture of the skin. Smashed raw radish is a very good cleanser and serves as a very efficient face pack. Due to its disinfectant properties, radish also helps cure skin disorders, such as drying up, rashes, cracks etc. and also refreshes it.
  • Kidney Disorders: Being diurectic, cleanser and disinfectant, it helps cure many kidney disorders. Its diurectic properties help wash away the toxins accumulated in the kidneys. Cleansing properties clean kidneys up and lessens accumulation of toxins in the blood, thereby decreasing their concentration in the kidneys. Its disinfectant properties protect the kidneys from any infections too. Thus it is good for overall health of the kidneys.
  • Insect Bites: It has anti pruritic properties and can be used as an effective treatment for insect bites, stings of bees, hornets, wasps etc. Its juice also reduces pain and swelling and soothes the affected area.
  • Fever: It brings down the body temperature and relieves inflammation due to fever. Drink radish juice mixed with black salt. Being a good disinfectant, it also fights infections which cause fever, thereby helping cure it.
  • Respiratory Disorders, Bronchitis and Asthma: Radish is an anti congestive, i.e. it relieves congestion of respiratory system including nose, throat, wind-pipe and lungs, due to cold, infection, allergies and other causes. It is a good disinfectant and also rich in vitamins, which protect respiratory system from infections.
  • Liver & Gallbladder: Radish is especially beneficial for liver and gallbladder functions. It regulates production and flow of bile and bilirubin, acids, enzymes and removes excess bilirubin from the blood, being a good detoxifier. It also contains enzymes like myrosinase, diastase, amylase and esterase. It protects liver and gallbladder from infections and ulcers and soothes them.
  • Other Benefits: Apart from above benefits, radish is a good appetizer, mouth and breathe freshener, laxative, regulates metabolism, improves blood circulation, is a good treatment for headache, acidity, constipation, nausea, obesity, sore throat, whooping cough, gastric problems, gallbladder stones, dyspepsia etc.

Finding it hard to digest the above stuff? Well! I suggest you have some slices of radish. That may help you and enhance your appetite for the health benefits of vegetables and herbs.

This article has been contributed by Aparup Mukherjee

Radish: Research-Backed Benefits & How To Use


Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

  • Vitamin A : 30 I.U.
  • Vitamin B : Thiamine .03 mg.;
  • Vitamin C : 24 mg.
  • Calcium : 37 mg.
  • Iron : 1.0 mg
  • Phosphorus : 31 mg.
  • Potassium : 130 mg.
  • Carbohydrates : 4.2 gm.
  • Protein : 1.2 gm.
  • Calories : 20

See also:


Aromatic, erect, branched and hairy herb, growing to a height of 0.5 to 1 meter. Leaves are oblong-ovate to ovate, 5 to 11 cm long, with coarse and doubly-toothed margins, a blunt or pointed tip. Flowers are pinkish-purple, crowded and borne in hairy, terminal, axillary spikes, 2 to 8 cm long, 1 cm in diameter, with a corolla 9mm long with obtuse lobes.

Chemical constituents and properties
Leaves yield a volatile oil, 6-10% – Patchouli alcohol, cadinene, coerulein, benzaldehyde and eugenol.
Diuretic, carminative, stimulant, emmenagogue.
The oil may have antibactericidal activity and pogostone may have antibacterial and antifungal activities.
Components eugenol, cinnamaldehyde and benzaldehyde have insecticidal activity.
Important components of the essential oil are patchoulol and norpatchoulenol.
Study on the chemical constituents of an essential oil of PC yielded 22 compounds, 18 sesquiterpenes and three oxygenated sesquiterpenes; among these, patchouli alcohol was the major component, followed by germacrene.

Parts used and preparation
Leaves, flowering spikes, roots.

Arthritis and rheumatism: Crush leaves and apply on affected part.
Infusion of fresh leaves for painful menses.
Infusion of leaves, dried tops or roots used for scanty urination.
In Malaysia and Japan, has been used as antidote for venomous snake and insect bites.
In traditional Chinese medicine, used for colds, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
Patchouly oil
Essential oil of patchouli used in perfumes and cosmetics.
Also called: Huo xiang, Putcha-Pat.
Oil also used as ingredient in foods and beverages.
An ingredient of East Asian incense.
Had a surge in the commerce of oil and incense during the free love and hippie decades of the 60s and 70s.
Leaves and tops used as insecticide repellant for cockroaches, moths, ants, etc.
Leaves used with gogo for washing hair.
In some countries, used as ingredient in tobacco smoking.
Juice of leaves used to repel leeches in climbing mountains.
Used as hair conditioner for dreadlocks.

ROS-scavenger: Pogostemon cablin as ROS Scavenger in Oxidant-induced Cell Death of Human Neuroglioma Cells: Study suggests the beneficial effects of PC on ROS-induced neuroglial cell injury possibly as a ROS-scavenger.
Antimutagenic: Antimutagenic Activity of Flavonoids from Pogostemon cablin: Study of methanol extraxct of P cablin showed suppressive effects against furylfuramide, Trp-P-1, and activated Trp-P-1. Test isolated suppressive compounds (7,4′-di-O-methyleriodictyol among others) plus three flavonoids, mobuine, pachypodol and kumatekenin.
Mosquito Repellent Activity: Study of the mosquito repellent activity of 38 essential oils from plants against Aedes aegypti on human subjects showed the undiluted oil of patchouli, together with citronella, clove and makaen, to be effected in providing 2 hr of complete repellency.
H Influenza Adhesion Inhibition: Study has shown inhibition of H Influenza on oropharyngeal cells to be inhibited by aqueous extracts of P cablin and A rugosa; a mixture also effective in preventing otitis media and sore throat.
Anti-Platelet Aggregation: Study isolated a-bulnesene, a sesquiterpened from the water extract of P cablin. It showed a potent and concentration-dependent effect on platelet-activating factor (PAF) and arachidonic acid (AA) induced rabbit platelet aggregation; a first study demonstrating a-blnesene as a PAF-receptor antagonist and anti-platelet aggregation agent.

Health Benefits of Patchouli Essential Oil

The health benefits of Patchouli Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties like anti depressant, anti phlogistic, anti septic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, sedative and tonic.

Essential Oil of Patchouli is extracted by steam distillation of leaves of Patchouli, whose botanical name is Pogostemon Cablin or Pogostemon Patchouli. The basic components of Patchouli Essential Oil are Alpha Patchoulene, Beta Patchoulene, Alpha Guaiene, Alpha Bulnesene, Caryophyllene, Norpatchoulenol, Patchouli Alcohol, Seychellene and Pogostol. The insecticidal and insect repellant properties of this oil were known from a long time ago and were particularly used in protecting clothes from insects. Then later on, its other benefits were discovered.

Its medicinal properties include;

  • Anti Depressant: This oil works great on people suffering from depression. It helps them to get over from the feeling and fills them with new hopes. That is why it is very much in use in aromatherapy. It uplifts mood, drives away disappointment and relaxes tension.
  • Anti Phlogistic: It soothes inflammation, particularly those resulting from fever and gives relief.
  • Anti Septic: Protects the wounds and ulcers from infections and from being septic.
  • Aphrodisiac: Patchouli Oil is also good for treating sexual problems such as impotency, loss of libido and interest in sex, erectile problems, frigidity etc. and acts as an aphrodisiac.
  • Astringent: It induces contractions in muscles, nerves and skin. This helps strengthening hold of gums on teeth, preventing shagging of skin, hair fall and loosening of muscles. This astringency of Patchouli Oil also helps stop haemorrhage by contracting the blood vessels.
  • Cicatrisant: It helps heal cuts and wounds and also speed up the fading of their scars. This is equally effective in vanishing marks left by boils, acne, pox, measles etc.
  • Cytophylactic: This property of the Essential Oil of Patchouli promotes growth by helping generation of new body cells. This helps in production of red blood cells too. It was seen mainly helpful in regeneration of new skin cells, thus keeping the skin healthy, young and vibrant.
  • Deodorant: The strong sweet, spicy and musky aroma of this essential oil keeps away body odor. But it should be used in dilution as sometimes the aroma of Patchouli Oil might feel too strong to bear.
  • Diuretic: It increases the tendency of urinating as well as the frequency of urination and quantity of urine. This helps loose weight, lower blood pressure, increase appetite, lower cholesterol and removal of toxins from the body.
  • Febrifuge: Reduces body temperature in case of fever by fighting the infections causing the fever. Being an Anti Phlogistic, it gives relief from the inflammations caused by fever and this way too helps bringing down the fever, since fever can be reduced to some extent if the pain and inflammation associated with fever are taken care of.
  • Fungicide: Patchouli Essential Oil has been found quite effective in inhibiting fungal growths and infections, thereby providing protection from some of the notorious infections like athlete’s foot.
  • Insecticide: As said earlier, the insecticidal property of Patchouli Oil was recognized long ago. Despite smelling sweet, it is very effective in keeping insects away. It may be used in sprays, body lotions, fumigants, vaporizers, incense sticks or can be mixed with water to wash clothes and bed linen to drive away mosquitoes, ants, beg bugs, lice, fleas, flies and moths.
  • Sedative: It calms down inflammations and sedates convulsions, coughs and epileptic attacks resulting from hype sensitivity or hyper reactivity of nerves. It can also stop eruption of allergies by sedating the hyper sensitivity of body towards certain elements.
  • Tonic: This property of Patchouli Oil tones up the whole body. It makes right the metabolic functions like decomposition of food and absorption of nutrients by toning up the liver, stomach and intestines, helping you grow stronger and healthier; takes care of proper excretion; regulates the endocrinal secretions of hormones and enzymes and also tones up the nervous system, thus making you more alert and active, and finally, boosts the immune system, protecting you from infections.
  • Other Benefits: Helps treat eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and sores. Gives relief from constipation. Can be used as an antidote against insect bites temporarily.

Few Words of Caution: The long lasting aroma of Patchouli Essential Oil, though sweet, may not be welcome for a few.

Blending: Patchouli Essential Oil blends well with essential oils of Bergamot, Clary Sage, Geranium, Lavender and Myrrh.

This article was contributed by Aparup Mukherjee

Patchouli Essential Oil: Benefits & Uses

See also:


Bananas consist mainly of sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) and fiber, which makes them ideal for an immediate and slightly prolonged source of energy

Reducing Depression

Bananas contain tryptophan, an aminoacid that can be converted to serotonin, leading to improved mood


Bananas are relatively high in iron, which helps the body’s hemoglobin function

Constipation and Diarrhea

Due to their content in fiber, they help restore a normal bowel function. In addition, diarrhea usually depletes your body of important electrolytes (of which the most important is potassium, contained in high amounts in bananas). They also contain pectin, a soluble fiber (hydrocolloid) that can help normalize movement through the digestive tract.

Eyesight Protection

Research published in the Archives of Ophthalmology has proven that adults consuming at least 3 servings of fruit per day have a reduced risk (by 36%) of developing age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the primary cause of vision loss in older adults, compared to persons who consume less than 1.5 servings of fruit daily.

Healthy Bones

Bananas are an exceptionally rich source of fructooligosaccharide, a compound that nourishes probiotic (friendly) bacteria in the colon. These beneficial bacteria produce enzymes that increase our digestive ability and protect us from unhealthy bacteria infections. Thanks to fructooligosaccharides, probiotic bacteria can increase both in number and functionality, increasing our body’s ability to absorb calcium.
In addition, green bananas contain indigestible short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that are very nutrient to the cells that make up the mucosa of the stomach. These cells, when healthy, absorb calcium much more efficiently

Healthy Kidney

About 190,000 cases of kidney cancer are diagnosed each year.
Research published in the International Journal of Cancer has shown that daily consumption of whole fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, is highly protective to kidney health. The results show that, over a long timeframe (13.4 years), women eating more than 2.5 servings of fruits and vegetable per day cut their risk of kidney cancer by 40%. Among the fruits, bananas were especially protective. Women eating bananas four to six times a week halved their risk of developing the disease compared to those who did not eat this fruit. The conclusion of the study is that frequent consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, cabbage and root vegetables, may reduce risk of kidney cancer. This is because bananas and many root vegetables contain especially high amounts of antioxidant phenolic compounds, while cabbage is rich in sulfur, necessary for effective detoxification of potential carcinogens.

Blood Pressure

Bananas are extremely high in potassium (about 4673mg), yet very low in sodium (1mg), thus having a perfect ratio for preventing high blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit’s ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.


Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Morning Sickness

Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood-sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.


Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. They contain vitamins B6 and B12 they contain, as well as potassium and magnesium: these substances help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.


This is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicle cases. It also helps reduce acidity and reduces irritation. Bananas stimulate the cells on the internal stomach lining to produce a thicker mucus (which protects against acid). Additionally, bananas contain protease inhibitors that help eliminate bacteria in the stomach that have been pinpointed as a primary cause of ulcers.


Bananas are high in B vitamins that have been shows to improve nerve function

Mosquito Bites

Many people report that rubbing the inside of a banana peel on a mosquito bite is very effective in reducing itching and swelling

Stress Relief

Bananas are high in potassium, which helps normalize the hearthbeat and regulate the body’s water balance. During periods of high stress, our body’s potassium levels tend to be rapidly depleted: eating bananas is a healthy way to rebalance them without using drugs

Stroke Risk

According to a study in The New England Journal of Medicine, eating bananas as part of a regular diet can reduce the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%


Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

  • Vitamin A : 430 I.U.
  • Vitamin B : Thiamine .04 mg.;
  • Vitamin C : 10 mg.
  • Calcium : 8 mg.
  • Iron : 6 mg.
  • Phosphorus : 28 mg.
  • Potassium : 260 mg.
  • Carbohydrates : 23 gm
  • Protein : 1.2 mg.
  • Calories : 88

The skin of the banana is said to help remove warts(cover the warts with the inner skin of banana).


An old Zulu remedy for bad skin has been developed as a high tech treatment for psoriasis – its secret ingredient is bananas.

Exorex lotion has been launched on prescription in the UK. It was developed after a South African psoriasis sufferer, Piet Meyer, noticed that Zulus traditionally used banana peel to treat skin problems.

See also:

Health Benefits of Bananas


Chemical constituents and properties
• The dried leaves contain 0.21–1% essential oil, the major compounds of which are linalool and methyclaviol.
• Some of the other compounds are: caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, p-cymene, limonene, 1,8-cineole, methyl cinnamate, myrcene, quercetin, rutin, tryptophan, safrole.
• Study yielded 14 different anthocyanins: 11 cyanidin-based pigments and 3 peonidin-based pigments.
• Carminative, stimulant, diaphoretic, expectorant, febrifuge, diuretic, demulcent, mucilaginous, cooling.

Parts utilized
Leaves, seeds.

Mature fresh leaves are harvested 2 to 3 months after planting. Leaves are picked leaving the branches on the plant to allow it to flower and produce seeds for the next season.

The leaves are air-dried until they crumble when crushed with the fingers. Store in amber colored bottles in a cool, dry place.

The leafy and flowering tops are used as condiment; eaten sparingly in salads.
Cough: Expectorant properties – Take infusion or decoction of herb (9-15 gm of dried herb) or tops as tea.
Leaf juice helpful for expectoration of mucus.
Decoction of leaves also used for hiccups, vomiting and nausea.
Gas pains: Decoction of herb as tea helps to expel wind from bowels.
Snake bites: Crush fresh plant and poultice the bitten wound.
Gonorrhea, using a decoction of the roots and leaves of plants.
Decoction of leaves used as a wash for ulcers.
External contusions.
Used in baths for rheumatic pains.
Ringworm and insect bites: Apply juice of crushed leaves.
Skin ulcers: Decoction of herb as wash.
For delayed menstruation: take the juice of the leaves with water.
Seeds are used in treatment of several eye diseases.
Toothache: Wet small piece of cotton with juice of crushed leaves and insert into tooth cavity.
Postpartum: Decoction of seeds used to decrease postpartum pains; the seeds are mucilaginous.
Poultice of seeds used for buccal sores.
Decoction of seeds also used for constipation.
Acne: Infusion of 3 tsp of dried leaves in 1 cup of boiling water for 20-30 minutes. Apply externally or drink decoction of tea or infusion 3 times daily.
• Oils repel insects (limonene, myrcene, camphor, thymol) and have larvicidal (eugenol and methylclaviol) activity against houseflies and mosquitoes.

Recent uses

Dizziness: crush enough fresh leaves with your fingers and sniff them.
Cough: As decoction boil eight tablespoons of fresh leaves in two glasses of water for 15 minutes or until the liquid is reduced to half. Divide the decoction into eight parts and take one part, three times a day.

• Aqueous extracts of Ocimum basilicum L. (sweet basil) decrease platelet aggregation induced by ADP and thrombin in vitro and rats arterio–venous shunt thrombosis in vivo: Results showed Ocimum basilicum to possess an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation induced by ADP and thrombin resulting in an anti-thrombotic effect in vivo.
Cardiac stimulant activity of Ocimum basilicum Linn. extracts: The study evaluated the cardiac effects of extracts derived from the aerial parts of Ocimum basilicum. Results showed the alcoholic extracts exhibited a cardiotonic effect and the aqueous extract produced a B-adrenergic effect.
Antimicrobial Effects of Ocimum basilicum (Labiatae) Extract: Results suggest that O. basilicum extracts possess compounds with antimicrobial properties against C. albicans and some bacterial pathogens.
Anti-dyspepsia: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled study showed Ocimum basilicum seems to relieve functional dyspepsia in female and young patients with dysmotility.
Anthocyanins in Basil : Purple basils are an abundant source of acylated and glycosylated anthocyanins, a potential source of stable red pigments to the food industry.
Antioxidant: In a study of plants in the Lamiaceae family, the leaves and stems of Ocimum basilicum displayed the highest antioxidant activity.
Antiulcer: Study showed the seed extracts of OB to possess significant anti-ulcer activity against ethanol-induced ulceration in animal models.
Wound-Healing Activity: Wounds treated with honey in combination with OB alcoholic leaf extract and solcoseryl-jelly showed accelerated wound healing compared to honey alone.
• Antiproliferative / Anticancer: A study on the antiproliferative activity of essential oil from 17 thai medicinal plants on human mouth epidermal carcioma (KB) and murine leukemia (P388) cell lines. In the KB cell line, Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum) oil showed the highest anti-proliferative activity in the P388 cell line. The results suggested the potential of Thai medicinal plants for cancer treatment.

Although known for its medicinal benefits, it contains some potentially dangerous compounds: safrole, rutin, caffeic acid, tryptophan and quercetin.(See: Medicinal Plants for Livestock / Cornell University)


English: Holy Basil
Latin: Ocimum sanctum (“sacred fragrant lipped basil”)
or Ocimum tenuiflorum (“basil with small flowers”)
or Ocumum gratissimum (“very grateful basil”)
Botanical Family: Lamiaceae (mint)
Hindi: Tulsi
Sanskrit: Tulasi

Holy Basil has a long tradition of use in Ayurvedic medicine and is a well-known sacred plant of the Indian subcontinent. Holy Basil has been called the “Incomparable One”, the “Queen of Herbs” and “The Elixir of Life.”


In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally “the incomparable one” and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast, a day celebrated in Greece on January 1.

In ancient Indian scriptures, Tulsi (Holy basil or Ocimum sanctum) holds a supreme place as a sacred plant. It is considered very dear to Lord Vishnu, and devotees adorn Him with a tulsi garland. Tulsi has been widely known for its health-promoting properties for over 5000 years. Tulsi is also extensively used to maintain ritual purity; people wear tulsi beads (made from the woody stalks of the plant) as necklaces. The ancient sages ensured the integration of the tulsi into daily life by incorporating it into religious rituals. In most of the Hindu temples, tulsi-soaked water is used to consecrate the deity and later distributed to devotees. This ensured that every one routinely consumed tulsi during worship at home and at the temples.


Parts utilized

Properties and constituents
Used as a mosquito repellant in India and South Africa.
Leaves yield a volatile oils or methyl homo anisic acid, plus cineol and linalool.
Seed decoction used as demulcent.
Leaves are expectorant and stomachic.

It is the most sacred plant in Hindu religion.
In Malaya, leaves are eaten sparingly as salad., but not used for flavoring foods.
Decoction of leaves used for aromatic baths.
Decoction of roots and leaves used for gonorrhea.
Used for rheumatic baths.
Dried plant used for croup, diarrhea, catarrh, bronchitis and diarrhea.
Decoction of roots used as diaphoretic for malarial fevers.
Leaf juice used for earache.
Infusion of leaves as stomachic and hepatic infections.
Fresh juice iinduces vomitiing and expels worms.
Mixed with honey, ginger and onion juice, used as expectorant for bronchitis and coughs.
In Java, used to increase milk secretion.
In India, leaf juice traditionally used for cough, stress situations, worm infestations, superficial fungal infections, and as diuretic.

Radioprotective: The radioprotective effects of two flavonoids, orientin and vicenin from the leaves of OS were studied by evaluating chromosome aberration in bone marrow cells of irradiated mice. Results suggest ocimum flavonoids may be promising for human radiationn protection.
Hypoglycemic:In a study, one of 24 of 30 medicinal plants, OS showed significant blood glucose lowering activity.
Anti-anxiety: Ethanolic extract study showed leaves possess anti-anxiety effects probably through a central nervous system pathway that may involve the GABA-ergic system. Another study on noise-induced changes in rats were normalized with pretreatment with OS extract indicating its stress-alleviating effect.
Anti-tussive: Antitussive effect probably by central action mediated through both opiod and GABA-ergic system.
• :Antibacterial: Study of ethanol extracts showed antibacterial activity, greater in Gram positive bacter than gram-negative, esp against B subtilis and S aureus; comparatively less than Origanum majorana. Another study on OS essential oil showed marked antibacterial efficiency against all bacteria tested, maximum against S aureus and marked antibacterial efficacy against P mirabilis, P aeruginosa, Klebsiella sp and E coli.
• :CNS-Protective: A study showed the ethanol leaf extract of O sanctum to have a protective effect against haloperidol-iinduced catalepsy and indicates that OS may be used to prevent drug-induced extrapyramidal effects.
Antioxidant: A study showed the leaves of OS to possess both superoxide and hydroxyl free radical scavenging effect and attributes the antioxidant property to be responsible for its hypoglycemic effect.
Myocardial Salvaging Effect: A study showed Ocimum sanctum has cardioprotecdtive effects against ISP-induced myocardial necrosis probably through improved ventricular function, augmentation of endogenous antioxidants and suppression of oxidative stress.
Anti-cancer activity: Administration of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Ocimum sanctum to mice with sarcomatous tumor resulted in a significant reduction in tumor volume and increase in lifespan.
Anti-Ulcer activity: Study showed the extract of OS reduced the ulcer index, free and total acidity in rats. Seven days of treatment increased mucous secretion.
Antidiabetic activity: A study indicated OS leaf extracts to have stimulatory effects on physiological pathways of insulin secretion to explain its antidiabetic action.
Hepatoprotective activity: A study showed the leaf extract of OS to have a hepatoprotective effect on hepatotoxicty induced by antitubercular drugs. The exact mechanism has not been defined, but OS antioxidant activity seems to be the most important mode of its hepatoprotective effect.


A Natural Remedy Rich in Phytochemicals and Anti-oxidants

The Holy Basil, known as the Tulsi in India, is sometimes termed “The Mother Medicine of Nature,” due to its many health benefits.

Parts Used

All parts of the plant are used, but particularly the fresh or dried leaves, which have a strong aroma and taste. The delicious tea made from Tulsi leaves, in particular, has many health benefits.

Chemical Composition of Tulsi

The chemistry of Tulsi is rather complex, as it contains many biologically active compounds and nutrients. The Phytochemicals are said to interact and combine in unique ways. The main compounds in tulsi are “ursolic acid,” an essential oil called “eugenol,” and antioxidants. It has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.

The Health Benefits of Tulsi

Regular use of Tulsi leads to overall good health and vitality.

  • It boosts the immune system and metabolism of the body, and is effective in treating allergies.
  • Tulsi detoxifies the blood, and flushes out toxins from the body.
  • The juice is effective in treating bronchitis, coughs and colds, and other common ailments. Moreover, it enhances the use of oxygen in the body, and is thus useful in respiratory problems, like asthma.
  • Tulsi contains antioxidants, which neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals, and thus arrests aging.
  • It is also reputed to control degenerative conditions, like dementia, cancer, diabetes, heart problems and arthritis.
  • Tulsi reduces inflammation and fevers, and cures headaches.
  • Due to its antibacterial properties, it is used to treat infectious diseases.
  • Tulsi is supposed to be anti-carcinogenic. Traditional practitioners recommend taking a Tulsi leaf every day to prevent cancers.
  • Tulsi lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, and thus prevents cardiac problems.
  • It helps in digestion and absorption of nutrients by the body, by encouraging the secretion of digestive enzymes. Therefore, it also acts as an appetizer. Moreover, its carminative properties prevent gastric ulcers.
  • It also controls E.coli and tuberculosis, and hastens the recovery of patients with viral hepatitis and encephalitis.
  • Tulsi has been proved good for periodontal health; a decoction can be used to cure toothache, and as a general mouth wash.
  • The Ursolic acid has an anti-fertility effect, without any negative effects.
  • Some research points to the Tulsi as a protection against the ill effects of radiation.
  • An interesting fact is that it does not contain any caffeine, yet acts as a vitalizer or quick “pick me up” to increase stamina and endurance.
  • Finally, Tulsi relaxes the muscles, and acts as a stress buster.

The small leaves of the Tulsi are packed with health enhancing properties, beneficial for the heart, lungs, immune and digestive systems. Tulsi is also effective in preventing and treating a number of common ailments, and contributing to a general feeling of well being. Therefore, it is rightly called the “Queen of Herbs” in India.

Caution: Though there are generally no side/after effects, one should check with a medical practitioner, before using any herbs for medicinal purposes.

Holy Basil or Tulsi is a powerful adaptogen; hence it is invaluable as an anti-stress agent. In fact, it is sometimes said to be more effective at reducing stress than ginseng. Tulsi, the sacred basil, is one of the holiest plants of modern Indians, renowned for its health promoting and disease-preventing properties.

Benefits of Fresh Basil Leaves

Should you be feeling stressed or exhausted, and suffering any associated symptoms such as headaches, indigestion, muscle tension, nerve pain and so on, or feel that your memory needs a boost, taking basil is the perfect tonic. This herb is known to be both antiseptic and cleansing and assists the body overcome a variety of infections.

The relaxant properties that are found in hot basil tea, extend to both respiratory and digestive tracts and so relieves symptoms of colic, constipation, nausea, asthma and coughs. Other benefits of Tulsi Tea: it can reduce fevers and moves phlegm build up during times of suffering colds and flu.

  • Assists in Sharpening Memory and Concentration
  • Tonic for Nerves and Treats Irritability
  • Reduces Stress
  • Promotes Calmness and Clarity
  • Clears Phlegm from Chest and Nose
  • Eases Symptoms of Colds, Flu, Coughs and Sore Throats
  • Strengthens the Stomach
  • Treats Vomiting and Nausea
  • Improves Metabolism
  • Aids in Treating Constipation
  • Strengthens the Kidneys
  • Known as a Anti-Stress Agent or ‘Adaptogen’
  • May Reduce Blood Cholesterol
  • Assists in Treating Insomnia

Leaves of the Holy Basil herb may be chewed to help relieve ulcers of infections of the mouth, and can also assist with various skin diseases, bites, stings, cuts and wounds if juiced and applied to the skin. This method may also be used to treat head lice.

The taking of Tulsi tea or holy basil leaves can refresh you when you feel tired, calm you when you feel tense or anxious as well as providing many other benefits. Holy Basil or Tulsi tea is rich in natural antioxidants, is a powerful adaptogen and a natural immuno-modulator.

Other Useful Sites:

Holy Basil: The Top 10 Health Benefits of This Adaptogenic Herb


According to Hippocrates (the father of medicine), celery calms the nerve – perhaps because of the high calcium content. It’s good on kidney and will help eliminate body’s waste through the urine. The seeds, leaves and edible root of the plant can all be used. Celery is used in aromatherapy and other traditional way of healing like Ayurveda. In Japan, rheumatic patients are sometimes put on a celery only diet.

Benefits of Celery:

1. Eating celery will reduce high blood pressure and give the effect of calmness.

2. Celery clears uric acid from painful joints and may help the treatment of arthritis and rheumatic problems.

3. Celery also helps the kidney an acts an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

4. Another benefit of celery is the fact that you can eat a lot of it without thinking much about your waistline. Celery actually has almost zero calorie.

The use :

1. Grated or raw celery can be used on swollen glands.

2. To reduce high blood pressure, eat celery raw.

3. For those who are trying to reduce their weight, drink celery juice before meals. It will help to suppress the appetite.

Tips :

1. The best taste celery is the one with light green ribs and glossy surface

2. Keep celery away from the coldest areas of your fridge since it freezes easily. You don’t want to eat frozen celery, right?

Excerpts from other source:

Vitamin and Mineral Content :

* Vitamin B
* Riboflavin
* Niacin
* Vitamin C
* Calcium
* Iron
* Phosphorus
* Potassium
* Fat
* Carbohydrates
* Protein
* Calories

Benefits of Celery in the Body :

1. Arthritis
2. Rheumatism
3. Neuritis
4. Constipation
5. Asthma
6. Obesity
7. Tuberculosis
8. High blood pressure
9. Catarrh
10. Pyorrhea
11. Diabetes – leaves
12. Dropsy – roots
13. Diseases of the kidneys (nephritis)
14. Diseases of the pancreas
15. Diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
16. Brain overwork (brain fatigue)
17. Acidosis (the condition of depletion of alkaline reserve or bicarbonate content of the body, celery being an alkaline food.
18. Anemia, no doubt due to the presence of iron, some protein and Vitamin
19. Improvement of teeth, no doubt due to the presence of calcium.
20. Calms the nerve and give relief in cases of insomnia.

In case you know the source of this second article feel free to inform me for reference purposes.

Drinking herbal tea is on one of the easiest and safest way to keep our body healthy. Most people would rather drink medicine or supplement to make them feel better, but herbal tea is a lot better than those processed medicine that can cause damaging side effects to the body.

People who live in Southeast Asian countries are lucky because many beneficial herbs are readily available to them, a lot of those beneficial herbs / leaves just grow in their backyard or around their neighborhood. Dried form of this medicinal leaves are now marketed worldwide so everybody can take advantage of its curative effect.

3 Herbal Tea that contain a lot of health benefits:


1. Guava leaves tea – guava in itself is a rich source of vitamin C, guava’s vitamin C content is 5x more than that of an orange, carotenoids, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron.

Health benefits from drinking guava leaves tea:

  • Helps in cases of Gastroenteritis, dysentery, diarrhea and vomiting in cholera patient
  • Helps fight free radicals.
  • Helps to clean the kidney
  • If you have chicken pox, drinking 4 cups of guava tea will make the chicken pox heal faster and the skin will have less scarring.
  • Contain strong antibiotic effect
  • It is good in controlling diabetes
  • Good for constipation
  • Gargling with lukewarm tea can help remedy swollen gums and oral ulcers.
  • Help relieves colds and bronchitis
  • Helps skin disorders because it is rich in vitamin C.


2. Banaba leaves tea – is one of the most common types of herbal tea. A mature green banaba leaves are used, the ratio is 3 leaves to 6 cups of water, boiled this for 15minutes in low heat. You can drink 3-4 cups of this tea per day, to add some flavor squeeze lemon or add honey.

Banaba leaves contain triterpenoid compound corosolic acid, and this ingredient has shown promise in animal trials in the fight against obesity. Corosolic acid helps to promote the use of glucose as fuel, and promotes weight loss.

Health benefits from drinking banaba leaves tea:

  • Banaba tea can help detoxify the body and protect the liver.
  • It helps in the treatment of urinary tract infections
  • It helps to lower or normalize blood sugar, even if you are prone to have diabetes you can lower the risk by drinking banaba tea everyday. It is effective for this purpose because of its ability to regulate blood sugar and act in a way that is similar to insulin
  • Banaba tea produces a positive effect of lowering trigyceride and LDL cholesterol, which aid in weight loss!
  • Banaba tea can help in weight reduction even without dietary restrictions.


3. Malunggay or Moringa leaves tea – malunggay is known in Asia as a “miracle plant” that can help fight malnutrition. Malunggay tree is abundant in most countries in Southeast Asia especially in the Philippines where it is seen in most backyards.

Malunggay or Moringa contain 7x the vitamin C found in oranges, 4x the vitamin A of carrots, 3x the iron of spinach, 4x as much calcium as milk, 2x the protein in milk and 3x the potassium of bananas.

Health benefits from drinking malunggay or moringa leaves tea:

  • Malunggay tea can help increase breast milk.
  • Malunggay tea can aid weight loss.
  • It can help restrict the growth of tumors.
  • It can help reduce phlegm.
  • It can help strengthen the eye muscle due to its high vitamin A content.
  • It can relieve fatigue and stress.
  • It can help you get a good night sleep.
  • It can prevent intestinal worm because of its strong detoxifying properties.
  • It can help increase semen count.
  • It can strengthen the immune system.
  • It can help reduce arthritis pains
  • It can prevent osteoporosis
  • It can help make the skin healthy
  • It can control blood pressure
  • It can help relieves headaches and migraines.



Amazing Plant.

Filipino Term: Tawa-tawa
Gatas gatas

Other name: Euphorbia hirta
Ingles Snake weed

The new generation
The research of Snake weed has found new interest for gatas-gatas (tawa-tawa) for its use in dengue, with increasing anecdotal reports of “cures.”
Decoction preparation: four grasp of gatas-gatas plants. Rinse. Put the
tawa-tawa into a pot of boiling water for one minute. Cool and Drink 1 to 1 1/2 glasses, every hour for 24 hours.

Posted by Philippine Herbal’s at 8:01 PM


Parts used and preparation
Entire plant.

Called gatas-gatas because of the healing property of the milky juice.
Juice used for colics.
Juice used as ophthalmic drops for conjunctivitis or ulceration of the cornea.
Infusion or tea of the plant, 4 glasses daily, for bronchits and labored breathing, asthma, chronic dysentery.
Used for boils and wounds.
Decoction of dry plant used for skin disease.
Decoction of fresh plant used as gargle for the treatment of thrusth.
Decoction of the root used to allay vomiting, chronic diarrheas, and fevers.
Root decoction also beneficial for nursing mothers deficient in milk: 4-5 glasses of tea.
The same root decoction as an enema for constipation.
Root used for snake bites.
Used in sores, wounds, boils. As ear drop for pustular swellings in the ear.
Asthma: Make into cigarette or burn and inhale smoke.
Superficial bleeding: Crush leaves and apply on affected paret, as local hemostatic.
In Africa and Australia, used to treat hypertension and edema.
Plant decoction: 25 gms of the whole plant to a pint of boiling water; boil for 3-4 minutes; drink 3-5 glasses a day. Externally as needed.

Recent interests from the folk medicine grapevine
• A flurry of queries and web blogs, gatas-gatas has found new interest for gatas-gatas (tawa-tawa) for its use in dengue, with increasing anecdotal reports of “cures.”
• Decoction preparation: Cut roots off 5 to 6 gatas-gatas plants. Rinse. Put the tawa-tawa into a pot of boiling water for one minute. Cool. Drink the decoction, 1 to 1 1/2 glasses, every hour for 24 hours.

• Antibacterial Activities And Toxicological Potentials Of Crude Ethanolic Extracts Of Euphorbia hirta: The study showed the ethanolic extract to inhibit the growth of test isolates except Salmonella typhi. The antibacterial effect was attributed to the presence of alkaloids, tannins and flavonoids which have been shown to have antibacterial properties. The results supports its use in traditional medicine.
Euphorbia hirta leaf extracts increase urine output and electrolytes in rats: Studty suggests that the active components in the water extract of E. hirta leaf had similar diuretic effect as that of acetazolamide. The results validate its traditional use as a diuretic.
Inhibition of early and late phase allergic reactions by Euphorbia hirta L: Study demonstrated that E. hirta possessed significant activity to prevent early and late phase allergic reactions.
Anthelmintic efficacy of the aqueous crude extract of Euphorbia hirta Linn in Nigerian dogs: Extract of E. hirta Study reduced the fecal egg count of the helminths and suggests a potential as an anthelmintic agent.
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibiting and anti-dipsogenic activities of Euphorbia hirta extracts: Study showed the extract from leaves and stems inhibited the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).
Euphorbia hirta reverses chronic stress-induced anxiety and mediates its action through the GABAA receptor benzodiazepine: Study showed E. hirta as a potential anxiolytic drub beneficial for stress-induced anxiety disorders.
Antidiarrhoeic activity of Euphorbia hirta extract and isolation of an active flavonoid constituent: A flavonoid, quercitin, with antidiarrheic activity was isolated.


Useful Links:


Parts utilized
· Flowers, roots, and leaves.
· Harvest the roots and leaves anytime of the year.
· Wash, cut into slices, and sun-dry. The flowers should be collected from May to August, sun-dry.

Characteristics and Pharmacological Effects
· Considered emollient, emmenagogue, anodyne, expectorant, refrigerant.
· Anti-infectious, anthelmintic, antiinflammatory, diuretic, antipyretic.
• Hypotensive, antispasmodic.
· Prepared drug has sweet taste, neutral natured.
· The Hibiscus with five petals noted for its medicinal properties, the flowers are considerede astringent. The roots contain a mucilage that is soothing on the mucous membranes of the digestive and respiratory tracts.

Flowers: Flavonoids and proanthocyanidins which are antioxidant, antipyretic, analgesic, spasmolytic.
Polysaccharides which promote wound healing and are immune-modulating.


· Mumps, infection of the urinary tract: use dried drug materials 15 to 30 gms, boil to decoction and drink.
· For abscesses, carbuncles and boils: crush fresh leaves and poultice the infected area. Also, pound flower buds into a paste and apply to external swellings; also used for boils, cancerous swellings and mumps.
· Decoction of roots, barks, leaves and flowers used as an emollient.
· Decoction from roots of red and white-flowered plants used as an antidote for poison.
· Bark is an emmenagogue; also used to normalize menstruation.
· Seeds used as a stimulant and for cramps.
· Decoction of leaves for fevers.
· For headaches, an infusion of leaves or poultice of leaves.
· Leaves are mildly laxative.
· Mucilage during labor.
· Red flowers are purgative; when taken with papaya seeds, may be abortive.
· Infusion of leaves as an expectorant in bronchitis.
· Hair stimulant: oil made by mixing the juice of fresh petals and olive oil for stimulating hair growth.
• In Costa Rica, used as a purgative.
• In Venezuela, used to treat tumors.
• In the Carribean, used as analgesic, anti-inflammatory.
• In the Dominican Republic, used to treat hematomas.
A tasty tea is brewed from its petals.

• Studies have demonstrated anti-bacterial, hypotensive, antispasmodic, and chemopreventive activities. It has shown glucose lowering in diabetic rats. Leaf extract has shown to promote hair growth.
Post-Coital Antifertility Activity of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn. roots: The study explored the antifertility and estrogenic activity of root extracts of H. rosa-sinensis. A strong anti-implantation and uterotropic activity was observed.
Effects of Hibiscus rosa sinensis L (Malvaceae) on Wound Healing Activity: A Preclinical Study in a Sprague Dawley Rat: Study results on flower extracts suggest H. rosa-sinensis aids wound healing in the rat model.
Cardioprotective effect of the Hibiscus rosa sinensis flowers in an oxidative stress model of myocardial ischemic reperfusion injury in rat: The study concludes that the flower of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis augments endogenous antioxidant activity and prevented isoproterenol induced myocardial injury.
• Presence of cholinergic and calcium channel blocking activities explains the traditional use of Hibiscus rosasinensis in constipation and diarrhoea: Study indicates the crude extract had spasmogenic and spasmolytic constituents to explain its traditional use in constipation and diarrhea.
• Phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of flowers of hibiscus rosasinensis linn: Flowers extract studies isolated new compounds which showed hypotensive activity in combination use. Further pharmacological investigation is suggested.


Gumamela is a shrub that grows from one meter up to 4 meters high. Gumamela is also known as: Hibiscus, China Rose and Shoeflower. In the Philippines, gumamela is cultivated as an ornamental plant. The gumamela flower comes in many colors: red, yellow, orange, white, purple, pink and other color combinations.

Gumamela leaves, usually blended with Rose Hip has long been used in the Middle East and Okinawa as herbal tea. Today, the use of gumamela tea is gaining worldwide popularity – including Asia. Gumamela (Hibiscus) is associated with longevity.

Gumamela as Herbal Medicine

As herbal medicine, gumamela flower, leaves and roots are used. Gumamela has the following medicinal characteristics: expectorant, diuretic, emollient, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anodyne and refrigerant.

Preparation & Use of Gumamela:

There are two ways to utilize gumamela as herbal medicine. One is dried and the other is fresh. For Dried gumamela, collect the flower, leaves and/or roots. Wash, then cut into small pieces and sun dry. To use as decoction, boil the dried gumamela parts (1/4 cup dried gumamela in 1 glass of water)

To make a decoction from fresh gumamela, Wash gumamela flower and/or leaves, cut into small pieces and boil (1/3 cup in 1 glass of water), let cool and drink.

Use Gumamela as Poultice:

Poultice is the use or fresh or dried herbs that is mashed, crushed or pounded – often heated (boiled in water to soften and heat the herb) and applied directly to the skin. A clean cloth or gauze can be used to help the poultice stay in place.

Gumamela is used for the treatment of:

• Bronchitis – as an expectorant
• Coughs, sore throat
• Fever – as refrigerant drink
• Treats dysentery
• Urinary tract infection, bladder infections
• High blood pressure
• Prevention of constipation
• Headaches
• Boils, swelling & abscesses, mumps

Application & Use of Gumamela:

• Decoction is used to treat: Bronchitis, coughs, fever, dysentery, urinary and bladder infections, high blood pressure and constipation.
• Poultice is applied externally on the afflicted area. This is used to treat: headaches (on the forehead), boils, swelling, abscesses and mumps.
• Intake of gumamela (alone or mixed with papaya or papaya seeds) specially in large quantities can be an abortifacient.


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