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Drinking herbal tea is on one of the easiest and safest way to keep our body healthy. Most people would rather drink medicine or supplement to make them feel better, but herbal tea is a lot better than those processed medicine that can cause damaging side effects to the body.

People who live in Southeast Asian countries are lucky because many beneficial herbs are readily available to them, a lot of those beneficial herbs / leaves just grow in their backyard or around their neighborhood. Dried form of this medicinal leaves are now marketed worldwide so everybody can take advantage of its curative effect.

3 Herbal Tea that contain a lot of health benefits:


1. Guava leaves tea – guava in itself is a rich source of vitamin C, guava’s vitamin C content is 5x more than that of an orange, carotenoids, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron.

Health benefits from drinking guava leaves tea:

  • Helps in cases of Gastroenteritis, dysentery, diarrhea and vomiting in cholera patient
  • Helps fight free radicals.
  • Helps to clean the kidney
  • If you have chicken pox, drinking 4 cups of guava tea will make the chicken pox heal faster and the skin will have less scarring.
  • Contain strong antibiotic effect
  • It is good in controlling diabetes
  • Good for constipation
  • Gargling with lukewarm tea can help remedy swollen gums and oral ulcers.
  • Help relieves colds and bronchitis
  • Helps skin disorders because it is rich in vitamin C.


2. Banaba leaves tea – is one of the most common types of herbal tea. A mature green banaba leaves are used, the ratio is 3 leaves to 6 cups of water, boiled this for 15minutes in low heat. You can drink 3-4 cups of this tea per day, to add some flavor squeeze lemon or add honey.

Banaba leaves contain triterpenoid compound corosolic acid, and this ingredient has shown promise in animal trials in the fight against obesity. Corosolic acid helps to promote the use of glucose as fuel, and promotes weight loss.

Health benefits from drinking banaba leaves tea:

  • Banaba tea can help detoxify the body and protect the liver.
  • It helps in the treatment of urinary tract infections
  • It helps to lower or normalize blood sugar, even if you are prone to have diabetes you can lower the risk by drinking banaba tea everyday. It is effective for this purpose because of its ability to regulate blood sugar and act in a way that is similar to insulin
  • Banaba tea produces a positive effect of lowering trigyceride and LDL cholesterol, which aid in weight loss!
  • Banaba tea can help in weight reduction even without dietary restrictions.


3. Malunggay or Moringa leaves tea – malunggay is known in Asia as a “miracle plant” that can help fight malnutrition. Malunggay tree is abundant in most countries in Southeast Asia especially in the Philippines where it is seen in most backyards.

Malunggay or Moringa contain 7x the vitamin C found in oranges, 4x the vitamin A of carrots, 3x the iron of spinach, 4x as much calcium as milk, 2x the protein in milk and 3x the potassium of bananas.

Health benefits from drinking malunggay or moringa leaves tea:

  • Malunggay tea can help increase breast milk.
  • Malunggay tea can aid weight loss.
  • It can help restrict the growth of tumors.
  • It can help reduce phlegm.
  • It can help strengthen the eye muscle due to its high vitamin A content.
  • It can relieve fatigue and stress.
  • It can help you get a good night sleep.
  • It can prevent intestinal worm because of its strong detoxifying properties.
  • It can help increase semen count.
  • It can strengthen the immune system.
  • It can help reduce arthritis pains
  • It can prevent osteoporosis
  • It can help make the skin healthy
  • It can control blood pressure
  • It can help relieves headaches and migraines.



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