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Banana peel can be used to remove warts, reduce swelling or inflammation after a bug bite, and improve the overall texture and tone of the skin. Here’s how to maximize the benefits of a banana peel.

The ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks have documented the health and beauty benefits of fruit and honey, and banana peel is especially helpful for reducing inflammation and getting rid of infection on the top of the skin.

Banana peel can be used to remove warts, reduce swelling or inflammation after a bug bite, and improve the overall texture and tone of the skin.  It has been ailed as a natural solution for treating psoriasis, a skin condition that cause rough and scaly patches of skin and skin inflammation.

Skin and Health Benefits of Banana Peel

In many countries, banana fruit and the peel are considered to be the ‘golden fruit’ of nature because the fruit helps promote natural beauty and keep the body healthy.  Eating bananas regularly can keep the digestive system running at an optimal level, restore energy and also provide the body with essential nutrients that help with cell regeneration.

Banana peel contains a number of antioxidants and minerals that can help the skin restore itself naturally.  Banana peels have been used as a home remedy for a number of skin conditions including allergies, bruises and skin irritation.   The key compounds in the peel include potassium and other antioxidants that help to keep the skin looking soft, supple and healthy.  These compounds and  have a positive effect on conditions such as psoriasis and warts, and also help to relieve irritation from allergies and other skin conditions.

Banana Peels for Managing Psoriasis

Dry and itchy skin that eventually turns scaly is a condition known as psoriasis; it is a genetic disease that affects both the skin and the joints, and the severity of the condition varies from person to person.  People who suffer from psoriasis of the skin experience inflamed lesions that cannot be treated with standard moisturizers, oils, or other topical treatments.

The skin condition can be treated with prescription-strength creams and moisturizers, but each person reacts to the products in a different way.  The inside of the banana peel has been used to treat psoriasis for many years, and most people will see results within a few days and weeks.  The skin is replenished with natural moisture, nutrients and compounds that reduce itchiness and help make scales disappear.  Rubbing the inside of the peel on the affected area or areas once or twice per day may help relieve or eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis and restore the skin back to a healthy state.

In addition to psoriasis, banana peel can help to alleviate several skin conditions including:

Irritation from mosquito bites – banana peel helps soothe the skin after a bug or mosquito bite

Treating poison ivy rashes – banana peel soothes and cools the skin after an allergic response and can help reduce the outbreak of rashes.

Reducing bruises – banana peel can speed up the natural healing and recovery process so that the skin cells can regenerate and restore themselves.

Getting rid of warts – banana peels can be used to cover up a wart and provide relief from skin irritation.  The peel helps to heal the wart and surrounding skin so that the skin cells can regenerate naturally.  The banana peel can be cut down to size and taped over the wart to secure it in place.  It can take approximately 5 – 7 days for the wart to heal completely, but the compounds in the peel can help speed up the healing and skin regeneration process.

Getting rid of plantar warts – in addition to getting rid of regular warts that form on top of the skin, banana peels may help reduce the pain and irritation of plantar warts located on the soles of the feet.  The peel can be placed directly on the wart to help reduce inflammation and pain and restore the skin.

Treating acne – since acne is involves skin inflammation and irritation, the inside of the banana peel can be used to soothe the skin and reduce acne outbreaks.

Banana Peels for Managing Wrinkles

Banana peels contain many nutrients and minerals that can help restore the skin.  When applied across the forehead, they may also be a valuable headache treatment.  Regularly pressing the inside of the peel on large areas of the skin such as the forehead or sides of the cheeks may help tighten up the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.  Results will not be instant, but the skin will look fresher, more toned and healthier.

Additional Skin Benefits of Bananas

The flesh of the banana  can be used as an anti-wrinkle topical skin treatment and mashed banana is commonly used as a facial mask to brighten up the skin and clear up acne.  ¼ cup of mashed banana combined with honey and other antioxidant-rich fruits can help detoxify the skin and deliver essential nutrients to the surface of the skin for brightening and toning.  The soothing properties of the banana fruit can also help alleviate the symptoms of acne and other types of skin imbalances that cause inflammation.

By Dr. Ben Kim on January 24, 2006


If you or someone you know can use a natural remedy for wart removal, I think that it’s worth your while to try the following treatment, sent in by Charley and Judy Triplett.


Our family has something to share that works to get rid of warts.

Our young son suffered with many warts on his hands, beginning at age three, through beginning of kindergarten. There were so many warts, especially on the outside of his fingers, the children did not want to hold his hand during activities, and made fun of him.

We had taken him to our physician, and went to dermatologist referrals for years prior to kindergarten, but were always told they would just go away. They did not want to freeze or burn them off due to possible scaring and the large concentrations of warts.

The dermatologist finally prescribed a caustic type wart remover. We used this for awhile, until the caps came off the warts, and it became very painful to apply the solution. The warts oozed and were like raw meat. This was not the solution, just torture to our son and for us in having to inflict the burning pain when applying it. It was a mess! We were told to continue the treatment, but thought better of it. The warts returned with a vengeance!

We read up on natural cures for warts, and the most highly recommended treatment was topical daily application of vitamin A (25,000 IU). We bought some gel-caps, pricked them with a pin, and put this on his warts every night at bedtime. Some rubbed off on the bed clothes, but our son was not in pain, and this is what washing machines are for. There were so many warts, we had to use two gel-caps in the beginning to squeeze a light film on all his warts.

The article said the warts would slowly disappear, taking a month or two. We followed this regimen every night, and sure enough, the warts completely went away, with no pain and with no scaring. He has only had a couple of warts since, and we do the “vitamin A” thing – it works every time. Our son is now 14 years old.

I have used vitamin A for planters warts too – and it worked! I had a couple burned out years ago, and the needle in the bottom of the foot needed to deaden it was painful. There’s no pain with vitamin A.

We have friends who have a daughter that had a wart problem similar to our son’s, but they were on her neck under her chin – dozens of warts. They did the physician and dermatologist thing, with the same recommendation and results: pain and no solution. I told him about vitamin A, gave him some capsules to get started, and in a month or two, no warts.

Both dermatologists scoffed at our remedy, but their children were not the ones with the warts!

This really works, and I wonder if you can share the reason why. Others should be so informed.

Thanks for all the knowledge you share.

Charley and Judy Triplett


I cannot give a definitive reason for why this remedy is effective for wart removal. Perhaps it has to do with vitamin A’s role in building and maintaining healthy epithelial linings, including that of the skin.

As I mentioned above, I don’t see any harm in trying this remedy. The only caveat is to be sure that there are no open wounds that could easily allow large amounts of vitamin A to become easily absorbed into the blood stream. Large doses of vitamin A can create toxic effects in the body.

Hopefully, it will work as well for everyone who tries it as it did for the Tripletts and their friends.

Thank you again, Charley and Judy.


With all the talk out there in the aloe industry, what aloe vera is and what makes this healing plant so popular, is still far from the reach of so many that are trying to understand what exactly is in the plant …that gives it it’s healing power.

From the ancient Egyptians, Greek, and the Roman physicians, up to and through the discoveries made in the early twentieth century …the question remains, what and how does this healing plant work its magic!

As can be seen, the “remarkable aloe vera plant” ingredients are in everything. It’s in our soaps, its in our shampoo, its in our hair conditioner, its in our shaving lathers, its in our bath products, our face creams, our body lotions, our toothpastes, our liniments, our body powders, our cologne …not only is it used in everything we put on our body …but its also found its way to internal uses with dramatic medical breakthrough from A to Z.

Listed below are just a few:

  • A. Arthritis, allergies, abrasions, asthma, acne, acid indigestion, anemia.
  • B. Bad breath, burns, boils, bursitis, blisters, burses, bronchitis, bowel regularity, body cleanser, bladder infections, blood pressure.
  • C. Candida, cancer, cankers sores, cold sores, cuts, colic, cradle cap, chapped/chaffed skin and lips.
  • D. Dermatitis, dandruff, dry skin, denture sores, diaper rash, dishpan hands, dysentery, diabetes, depression, decubitous ulcers.
  • E. Edema, epidermises, Epstein-Barr virus, exanthema, eczema.
  • F. Fever blisters, fungus, feline leukemia, fungus infection.
  • G. Genital herpes, gingivitis, glaucoma gangrene, gout.
  • H. Heat rash, hemorrhoids, heartburn, herpes zoster.
  • I. Impetigo, inflamed joints, insomnia, ingrown toenails, indigestion, insect bites.
  • J. Jaundice, joints.
  • K. Kidney infection, keratosis follicularis.
  • L. Leprosy, laryngitis, lupus, liver ailments, leukemia, lupus.
  • Sounds like good news, doesn’t it? That could be a yes and a no.
  • M. Multiple sclerosis, moles, mouth ulcers, muscle cramps/strains.
  • N. Nausea of all kinds.
  • O. Onycolysis, odor control of chronic ulcers, oral disorders.
  • P. Pin worms, psoriasis, prostrates, poison ivy/oak, pancreas.
  • Q. Quality of life (enhance the immune system).
  • R. Razor burns, radiation burns, rashes.
  • S. Strains to joints and ligaments, stings, styes, seborrhea, stretch marks, sore throat, shingles, staph infections, sunburn, sciatic nerve, sickle cell disease.
  • T. Torn and bruised muscles, turf burns, tonsillitis, tendonitis, tuberculosis, tumors.
  • U. Ulcerations of all kinds, urticaria, ulcers (peptic and duodenal).
  • V. Vaginitis, venereal sores, venous stasis, varicose veins.
  • W. Wind burns, wounds of all kinds, warts.
  • X. X-ray burns.
  • Y. Yeast infections in humans and animals.
  • Z. Zoster (shingles)

First, if all these statements are true (and they are) there is the small matter of the efficacy and quality of the aloe vera that is used. Then we have to look at the matter of how much is really real aloe, how much is water and whether or not the Aloe used has been properly stabilized.

There’s that word again, stabilization!! And rightly so, it’s the key word when dealing with the healing power of the plant. We will cover stabilization in an article of its own in the near future …but in the meantime, when using an aloe product, just make sure that its been properly stabilized. Know your supplier.

Back to the plant now and clarify just what makes the aloe vera plant so effective, and why some feel there are some “secrets” about it that is still known to only a select few.

Essentially, the aloe vera plant contains two juices …in the tubular found next to the yellow viscous sap in the cells just beneath the think green rind of the leaf and the gel fillet, which serves as the water storage organ.

The tubules hold the yellow sap that contains what is known as the anthraquinones, mostly aloin, which is best known as a potent laxative, (seldom used in modern times).

The gel fillet of the aloe leaf actually contains about 99.5% water, and makes the liquid usable as a beverage and the primary substance of so many kinds of treatment compounds.

So, understandably, the most effective Aloe Vera compounds available today are formulated to emphasize the positive aspects of the leaf gel fillet, while minimizing the presence of aloin and other “purging” anthraquinines.


The most oftenly used substance from this herb is the aloe gel, a thick viscid liquid found in the interior of the leaves. The leaves are used in the treatment of burns and the aloine – a bitter milky yellowish liquid is used as a laxative. The herb contains: 20 minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Chromium , Selenium), 12 vitamins (A, B, C, E, folic acid), 20 aminoacids from the 22 which are necessary to the human body, over 200 active components including enzymes and polysaccharides. All the active substances enumerated before contribute to the therapeutical value of the herb. We shall move on to presenting the main effects that the herb has over the human body: it toughens up the immune system owing to the 23 peptides contained by the aloe vera, it accelerates and regulates the methabolism, purifies the human body from toxins, bringing about a feeling of calm. Moreover, aloe vera has an antiseptic effect (by distroying the bacterias, viruses and fungi), disinfectant capabilities and can also stimulate the cell-renewing process. Aloe vera nourishes and supports the digesting of aliments. Cutting across the human organism, aloe vera manages to bring the human body to a general balanced state.

Additional data from other source.

Aloe Vera contains over 75 known active ingredients (and probably many more). Also included are 19 of the 20 amino acids required by the human body and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids (that the body cannot make), as well as vitamins and minerals. There are 20 “critical” Amino Acids in human metabolism, but the body can only make 12, the other 8 have to be obtained from food. These are Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Valine, and Tryptophan.

Aloe Vera contains also contain useful enzymes like Amylase, Bradykinase, Catalase, Cellulase, Lipase, Oxidase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Proteolytiase, Creatine Phosphokinase, Carboxypeptidase. Most of these are beneficial to human metabolism.

Lignin gives Aloe Vera its penetrating powers, but is not considered to have any other benefit.

Aloe Vera contains important minerals like Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Phosphorous, Sodium, and Zinc.

As most of us know that the mono-saccharides are the familiar glucose and fructose. It is believed that the more complex long-chain sugars are the poly-saccharides give Aloe Vera its unique healing and immuno-stimulating properties.

Aloe Vera contains useful vitamins. These include A (beta-carotene and retinol), B1 (thiamine), B2 ( riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cyanocobalamin), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol) and Folic Acid.

Salicylic Acid, a substance similar to aspirin that can help reduce fever and inflammation is also found in Aloe vera. It also contains Saponins and Sterols. Saponins are natural soapy substances that have both cleansing and antiseptic properties while Sterols are naturally occurring plant steroids with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.


Aloe vera has proved its efficiency from the simplest allergies to the treatment of wounds and skin infections and even to its usage in alleviating more serious afflictions. With the help of this herb a wide variety of internal and external afflictions are controlled, like: asthma, virosis, arthritis, arthrosis, gingivitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, intestinal inflamations, constipations, obesity, sprains, muscle strains, cutaneous inflamations. The efficiency of the herb was also proven in the cases of anemia, deficiency illnesses, insomnia and depressions and the B-sisterole from the Aloe vera brings about the lowering of the cholesterol level. Also, this herb is used for controlling the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, diabetes, hepatitis and pancreatitis and multiple sclerosis.

The juice of Aloe Vera can be extracted by cutting the leaf, collecting the juice and then evaporating it. The juice has many benefits when drunk. This is partially due to the fact that it contains twelve vitamins (including A, B1, B6, B12, C and E), nineteen amino acids and over 20 minerals, which most of these are essential to the body.

In Ayurveda, the Indian health practice, Aloe Vera is known as Kumari (‘the princess’) because of its positive effect on the menstrual cycle and female reproductive system.

It is also known for its ability to clean the liver and protect the digestive system by reducing intestinal inflammation.
Overall, Aloe Vera can be used for cosmetics and healing the skin, or when consumed, as a potent cleansing and rejuvenating tonic that is very nutrient rich and beneficial to the body.

Additional data from other source.

Salicylic Acid, a substance similar to aspirin that can help reduce fever and inflammation is also found in Aloe vera. It also contains Saponins and Sterols. Saponins are natural soapy substances that have both cleansing and antiseptic properties while Sterols are naturally occurring plant steroids with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.

– Studies have shown that aloe vera speeds the healing process, particularly in burns, including those from radiation. It is also used by dermatologists to speed healing after facial dermabrasion, which helps remove scars from the top most layers of the skin. The other health benefits from the use of aloe vera include helping to soothe skin injuries affected by burning, skin irritations, cuts and insect bites, and its bactricidal properties relieve itching and skin swellings.

– Aloe Vera possesses incredible moisturizing properties. Studies show that Aloe Vera improves the skin’s ability to hydrate itself, aids in the removal of dead skin cells and has an effective penetrating ability that helps transport healthy substances through the skin.

– Aloe vera is also known to help slow down the appearance of wrinkles as it can actively repair the damaged skin cells that cause the visible signs of aging. Components of Aloe Vera have been found to reverse degenerative skin changes by stimulating collagen and elastin synthesis.

– Dermatologist James Fulton, M.D., of Newport Beach, California, uses topical aloe in his practice to speed wound healing. “Any wound we treat, whether it’s suturing a cut or removing a skin cancer, heals better with aloe vera on it,” he states.

– Top nutritionalists, around the world, recommend the use of Aloe Health Drinks to aid digestion, and many patients experience relief in the symptoms of problems such as Irritable Bowel Sydrome and Crohn’s disease.

– Aloe Vera is believed to reduce severe joint and muscle pain associated with arthritis, as well as pain related to tendinitis and injuries. When applied directly to the area of pain, Aloe Vera penetrates the skin to soothe the pain.

Aloe Vera is considered as a miraculous plant by some for even hair loss treatment. It is assumed that no other plant more closely matches the human body’s biochemistry, hence, an excellent treatment for hair loss. It has anti-inflammatory properties of and therfore helps in fighting against Androgenetic Alopecia.


Onion is being used for centuries not just to add flavor to foods but also for its therapeutic properties. Onion have an antibacterial and antifungal properties. Some people mixed vinegar with onion juice and apply it in their freckles and warts, it is believed that it can remove/reduce this skin problems.

Nutritive Values of Onions : Per 100 gm.

  • Vitamin A : 50 I.U.
  • Vitamin B :
  • Vitamin C : 9 mg.
  • Calcium : 32 mg.
  • Phosphorus : 44 mg.
  • Potassium : 300 mg.
  • Carbohydrates : 10.3 gm.
  • Protein : 1.4 mg.
  • Calories : 45

Onion is Benenificial in the following conditions:

  • Asthma
  • Influenza
  • Colds
  • Tuberculosis
  • Insomnia
  • Pneumonia
  • Antiallergy
  • Obesity
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Slightly laxative
  • High Blood Pressure

  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Prolong longevity
  • Helps destroy worms and other parasites.
  • Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tube)
  • Neuritis (inflammation of the nerves)
  • Vertigo (inflammation of nerves)
  • Diuretic (increases the secretion of urine)
  • Diabetes mellitus – lowers blood sugar.
  • Valuable for the hair, nails of the fingers and toes, and for the eyes.
  • Sinus conditions – helps to drain mucus from the cavities and loosen phlegm.
  • Whether fresh or cooked onions have antiplatelet, adhesiveness, thus preventing thrombosis.


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